Contributors who do not meet the 4 criteria for authorship should be acknowledged. Examples include individuals who participated in patient management, acquired funding, supervised the research group, or provided administrative support. Give credit to anyone who participated in writing (such as colleagues, medical writers, or editors). Include their academic degrees, affiliations, type of assistance, and whether they were compensated.
The Journal requires acknowledged contributors to consent to publishing their names. It is the corresponding author’s responsibility to instruct all individuals named in the Acknowledgments to send an e-mail stating their agreement. The manuscript number and title should be included in the e-mail.
Conflict of Interest Disclosures
To acknowledge potential conflicts of interest or bias, authors must disclose financial, professional, or personal relationships with any organization or individuals related to the work, including but not limited to research or project support from commercial firms, private foundations, and government. When applicable, authors must state that no conflicts of interest exist. Statements will be published verbatim in the article information.
Role of Funders & Sponsors
Any funding, sponsorship, or other financial or material support must be disclosed on the manuscript title page. For commercial, governmental, or private entities, describe the role of the sponsor(s) in the work, including participating in the following activities:
- Design and conduct of the study
- Collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data
- Preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript
- Decision to submit the manuscript for publication
When applicable, include a statement that the funder or sponsor had no role in the study.